Kamis, 07 Juli 2016

Jumped on Public Transportation in Jakarta!

Jakarta, here I come!

As a number one crowded city in Indonesia, Jakarta know citizen needs reasonable price of transportation and here we go, there are various kind of transportation in Jakarta such as medium buses or a large one, commuter line, busway and some 'angkot'. Or you can choose a private vechicle such as Bajaj or Ojek, the price is reasonable only if you can get deals with the driver.

Minggu, 21 Juli 2013

Indonesia dalam Satu Kampung

Pernah dengar kampung Inggris di Pare?

Terletak di kota Pare kabupaten Kediri. Dari Terminal Surabaya, kamu bisa naik Bus Patas Rukun Jaya yang via Pare(di terminal sudah ada plakat menunjukkan lokasi tujuan). Bus berukuran 3/4 berwarna biru dengan tarif Rp 25.000 akan membawamu ke kampung Inggris di desa Tulungrejo, Pare.

Kampung Inggris berada di jalan Brawijaya (dan sekitarnya) dengan gapura kecil yang menyambut di ujung jalan menghantarkan para pelajar memasuki kawasan berbahasa Inggris di Indonesia.

Sabtu, 27 April 2013

Surabaya, A City of Heroes - History of its logo

I bet, all of Indonesian people ever heard this City - Surabaya. 
Long time ago, this city is so popular because of the citizen braveness, they can killed Aubertin Mallaby -head of the British army to East Java- and also the toughness of its citizen to fight British ultimatum and defend the independence at 10 November 1945.
Because of that this city called ' City of Heroes '